The PortaCount® Pro Respirator Fit Tester is the easy way to reliably fit test any tight-fitting respirators.
The PortaCount Pro Respirator Fit Tester 8030 eliminates the guesswork associated with tedious and error-prone qualitative fit test methods. No other respirator fit tester can quantitatively fit test so many types of respirators - gas masks, SCBAs, respirators, even disposables (for fit testing N95, P1 & P2 disposable respirators, see the PortaCount Pro+ Respirator Fit Tester). If the mask requires fit testing, count on the PortaCount Pro fit tester to provide the fastest and easiest HSE (UK) and OSHA (US)-compliant fit test method.
Features and Benefits
Respirator Facepieces that can be Fit Tested