The SVAN 979 is a class 1 TYPE APPROVED sound level meter and analyser with the superior technical specifications. Its measuring range starts from as low as 12 dBA!
SVAN 979 is a device combining all necessary measurement functionalities in one hand-held tool. The instrument is dedicated for acoustic engineering applications such as sound insulation measurements, precise frequency or signal tonality analysis. In standard, this sophisticated tool has been equipped with frequency analysis in 1/1 & 1/3 octave bands, FFT analysis and audio recording for noise source recognition.
Basic kit also includes building acoustic pack: RT 60 measurement and signal generator functions.
- Sound measurements
- Environmental noise
- Occupational noise
- Building acoustic
- Ultrasound/infrasound
- High level/low level noise
- Machine vibration
- Tonality measurement
Do contact us now for more information - ☎ (65) 6296 8012 | ✉